went to Kindergarten in Mexico for a year before we moved to Canada.
His Canadian school picture seems odd in that he is not wearing
a paper crown nor does he have a sticker of some sort on his forehead.
The stickers seem to survive facewashings and baths. He has lost
one of his front teeth since this picture and another is very
Levi took swimming lessons in Brooks. We found
it hard to write funny stories about him in that he is nearly
always kind and thoughtful to everyone, patient, longsuffering....
He recently asked me to take the training wheels off of his bicycle and off he went. His brother Alex was only a few steps behind him.
The mittens on the right were made at school here in Brooks. They are very a-la-Levi in that he loves to use a lot of colors in everything that he does. Perhaps it is the Mexican influence coming out it him.
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last updated May 28, 1999