Constants 2/9 1924

Dear Sister & Brother-in-law,

I was very happy when I received your letter and the cheque but I could not cash the cheque so here I send you the cheque back with hard feeling. Wouldn't you be so kind and re-send the money again. So you will have to send it to the Rumanist National Bank address. The other banks do not give the money because it is only a small amount.

Now with true love and kisses on both of you Sister and Brother-in-law and all that are there, Sister and Brother-in-law Parents when you know where they are.


Because I send the check along that my letter doesn't get too heavy that is why I don't write more. Next time more.


letter addressed to: Margaret (Hammel) and Anton Schlachter. Anna was Margaret Hammel's sister. Anton Schlachter was my Great Grandfather, Martin and Justina's son.

return address: Anna & Martin La F. Tasina, Hrads Decibat No. 49, Constants

send us an e-mail

last updated May 31, 1999